In 2013, Jaxon has turned from a toddler to a little boy. He turned 2 in April and went from speaking in short phrases in the beginning of the year to full blown sentences now. The things that come out of his mouth crack me up. I have been documenting some of the phrases because I never want to forget how fun this age is! It is so interesting to see how he is changing and what interests him. He loves to see how things work and figure things out. He isn't into arts and crafts at all, his attention span is about 4 seconds...just long enough to draw a quick line, throw some crayons on the floor and say he is all done. I have tried many different crafts and he just isn't interested. He loves cars, trucks, trains and all types of electronics and gadgets (just like his Dad). He is such a little athlete, running everywhere, diving frequently to the ground, throws a football and Frisbee better than me and he loves the outdoors! He is the also the most thoughtful little boy I know, always hugging and kissing his sister, asks if she is ok if she is crying, gives her a toy (usually when he wants to take the one she has...but still), holds my face in his hands and kisses me so sweetly, tells me he loves me not only to the moon and back, but also to the sun and back and the stars and back, loves rocking with his Daddy before naptime and reading with him before bed. His sweet disposition melts my heart. On Christmas morning, after opening a 3 presents, he actually told us "I don't need anymore presents." He would pick up gifts and give them to the rest of us. I am so proud of his selflessness already and hope he keeps some of these amazing qualities forever!
We also went from having a helpless 3 month old to an independent, goofy, strong willed, "it's my way or the highway" 15 month old. She is the smartest 15 month old I know who can easily communicate, counts to 13, sings Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me and Old MacDonald from beginning to end, says please, thank you and you're welcome, uses a fork to eat by herself, and says more words and makes more associations than I can keep track of. She loves her big brother and if they are apart will walk around saying "Jaxon, Jaxon" looking for him. She makes silly faces and cracks herself up. She loves putting on my shoes, bracelets and pretending to talk on the phone with a purse over her shoulder. She is such a girly girl yet will fall and hit her head and not even flinch. My husband described her last night as being a fighter and I completely agree with him. If she doesn't want something to happen, she fights until the end (such as changing clothes, changing diapers, brushing teeth as a few examples). These situations tend to be battles yet the very second it is over she is happy and smiling again. I hope she is always a fighter and fights for what she wants, or doesn't want. Although it can be a frustrating quality right now, it is a good quality to have.
An almost 3 year old and a 15 month old are so much fun, but, don't let me fool you. It hasn't been all "flowers and butterflies" or "a walk in the park" or "a piece of cake," with the daily challenges like tantrums (which are now becoming more frequent time 2), sleepless nights, trying to balance working life, being a parent and finding time for your spouse plus time for yourself plus a social life. It can definitely be exhausting and overwhelming, but nothing is more rewarding! I enjoyed all of 2013 SO much and look forward to continuing the fun in 2014!
A Look Back at 2013
A Look Back at 2013
We did some fun things as a couple like a husband and wife trip to Puerto Rico...and much needed I might add!

We also did a few other little trips like to the casino for Nate's birthday, a trip to Newport, RI and an overnight in Boston with friends.
We went on a family trip to Maryland for my cousin's wedding in May and then drove onto Hershey, PA with my parents.
Such a fun time and we can't wait to bring the kids back again in the future!
I brought the kids up to Maine for a day to see some family (and I can't wait for a whole week there in summer 2014)!
We participated in all the fall time activities like pumpkin picking, pumpkin painting, hay mazes and apple picking . This holiday season we had lots of fun going to Bright Nights, making and decorating Gingerbread Cookies and Christmas Pretzel Treats, getting and decorating our tree, looking at Christmas lights when driving, watching Christmas Mickey and Polar Express, drinking hot chocolate, singing Christmas songs, shopping trips and the list goes on.
What were the highlights of YOUR 2013? Any New Years Resolutions? I'm looking forward to working towards my 2014 goals! More fitness and recipe posts plus Paleo progress coming soon! :)
Wishing you a safe, happy and healthy New Year to your family from ours! :)
~Erin Leigh