Thankfully, this back on track thing is happening in the Fall, which is my favorite time of the year for cooking. I feel I can be a little more creative when I'm cooking indoors. Summer tends to be 99% grill cooking which by now at the end of the season, grilling has become a little boring to me. If you haven't followed by blog before, some of my favorite recipes I have shared I have created on a whim with food I have in the house and the meals always (ok, usually) come out great. That being said, I LOVE crock pot cooking and creating healthy recipes. Even baking but modifying the goodies to be healthy but still delish.
So...that brings me to my next project! Last night I was browsing Pinterest for some freezer meal ideas and decided that I'm going to create my own crockpot freezer meals menu/tutorial/shopping list etc. I've had a hard time finding menu's online for bulk freezer meals that I actually like and/or are healthy/made with fresh foods so I figured I'll do it myself. There is nothing like pulling a meal out of the freezer at night to thaw, throwing it in the crockpot in the morning and doing nothing else but serving it 8 hours later and having it be healthy. Preparing in bulk not only saves time but can also save money and I love saving both! Heck, maybe I'll even create this all into an e-book! I can always use a good Fall/Winter project so why not?! Stay tuned for the shopping list and recipes and savings! I'll keep your family fed this winter (with your money, not mine) and give you more time with your family and less time preparing! Win win!
In the meantime, if you are looking for some tasty fall recipes, here are a few of my favorites! Quick and Flavorful Pork Roast , my go to Santa Fe Chicken , and last but not least, one of my first creations that I shared Hearty Turkey Veggie Soup!
Ok, so now you will be fed healthy food...who wants to battle the holiday bulge with me?? (Starting Nov 1 of course - after Halloween). All this requires is a fitness goal, a plan, motivation and action steps! Let's do it! Eat simply and healthy and have a fitness plan to battle the holiday bulge! Maybe I'm the only one who gets excited about these things, but if you are interested in following along let me know and we will do it together! :)
Stay tuned for some meals soon! Now, I'm going to go enjoy a peanut butter cup as a mid afternoon snack since I won't be doing that effective a few days from now. ;)

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