
Saturday, June 25, 2016

LuLaRoe - The Wait!

So you've signed up for LuLaRoe and sent in your what?!? That's the question I've been asking myself and the answer is....wait! It's SO hard to wait though so I've been keeping myself busy researching and making lists of things to do to make my business successful! Staying positive and looking ahead! (I'm all about positivity)! 

Here are some things to look into during the waiting game. 

-Bank accounts (separate recommended)
-Shipping options 
-Clothing racks (collapsible is good)
-Hangers (Costco has felt lines hangers that are 35 for $10. I got two packs so far).
-Plastic bins for storage
-Business cards and other paper goods
-Facebook header (lots of options on Etsy)

Brainstorming on:
-How/where will your store inventory
-Inventory goal (how much do you want to have on hand eventually).
-Goal for paying back investment (timeline)
-Goal for how much to profit monthly plus breakdown. 
-Ideas to grow Facebook group. (I have lots of ideas if you want to chat/brainstorm)! 
-Rewards you will offer your customers and reward program. 
-When will you start online group and promoting? Lots of opinions on this.
-Lining up in home and online hostesses for when inventory arrives! 

I'm trying to keep things simple. I want to keep it basic until I get in the flow of my business and then decide what's really important to have as far as supplies. You could go crazy spending money on supplies but everyone has different preferences so it's up to you what is important to invest in. Each list I read had many different things listed and it was overwhelming to me so I decided to just take it down a notch and plan the business side of it and wait on the supplies investment until I get in a groove. Of course there are some things I need but I will be pre-buying the bare minimum. Not because I'm cheap ;) but because I want to invest in the RIGHT supplies for ME! 😊

On a side note, the wait is tough but I'm working on my Facebook group now and want to focus on spreading the word in my upcoming business venture! That's key! I'm also looking for other LuLa consultants to network with and LuLa hopefuls to bring on the journey with if you are either one, contact me to chat! 💗 

Have a great day! 

~Erin Leigh

VIP Facebook group - Join Here! 

Instagram: @lashestostilettos

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