Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Anya Turns 2

Another "better late than never" post!  Our little Anya turned 2 on September 11, 2014!  I seriously cannot believe 2 years has gone by since she was born.  I must say, I am enjoying her more than ever now that she speaks, is interactive and has her own personality. I am loving and appreciating our developing relationship more and more everyday!

We celebrated on her birthday evening with both sets of grandparents, Gigi, Uncle Ry and of course our two new kittens, and then had a donut princess party for her friends the following Saturday (which consisted of 16 boys and 5 girls, so it wasn't very princessy), but nonetheless, she (and we) had a great time!

Here are some photos of our 2 year old :)

Being a goof, as usual ;)

Sometimes that little face takes my breath away

Our "hot air balloon" tradition picture

Sibling Love

What a difference in two years!

Birthday morning surprise


Followed by chocolate chip pancakes with pink sprinkles

And then her first dance class!

The beginning of her spaghetti and meatball dinner that she asked for for weeks!

Afternoon balloon fun!

Happy Birthday Anya!

Donut Cake!

Party food!

The birthday girl is all ready

My heart

I cherish moments like these.

Daddy's girl

Birthday candles round 3!

Love this shot! Photo credit: Jen Mattson :)


And the mustache fun begins!


The goofball herself

So that sums up some of Anya's party.  Wish I got more pictures of the kids and other guests, but I was busy playing with them!  It was lots of fun with a bounce house, swinging, mustaches, running around...and lots of donuts.  What more could a toddler want??

Anya Leigh:
2 years old
34 inches
26 pounds
Talks in full sentences, knows her abc's, counts to 12, knows animal sounds, some colors, some shapes
Favorite songs: Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Loves: babies, dolls, dancing, singing, wrestling Jaxon, squeezing her kitties, making a huge mess when eating, untying shoes, wearing Mommy's shoes, reading, chocolate
Doesn't like: vegetables, brushing her teeth, being told what to do
I am so proud of the person she is becoming! 
~Erin Leigh

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