Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thinking Outside the Box

I specifically remember a college course I took that we spent a lot of time discussing "thinking outside the box."  I have been reflecting on that recently as it focused on not remaining complacent and trying new things to help you grow as a person and in life.  I recently embraced an opportunity with Younique to be an independent presenter. For those that are not aware, Younique is an all natural make up line with a mission I completely believe in.  This is taken directly from their website:

"Younique's mission is to uplift, empower, validate, and ultimately build self-esteem in women around the world through high-quality products that encourage both inner and outer beauty and spiritual enlightenment while also providing opportunities for personal growth and financial reward."
As I was explaining my thought process to my Dad yesterday I had to laugh because the series of events that led me to the point of signing up were interesting.  I am not one to jump into direct sales, I have never done it before and don't need the additional income but when I first saw this business pop up on my Facebook page, I looked at the way the business was set up. This is prior to even trying the 3D fiber lashes (which are amazing by the way), and before knowing anything about it. I thought it was impressive that a brother/sister team started this company about two years ago and it had grown into a multi million dollar company in just two years with a growth rate of 5,145%. For anyone that is not involved in business or doesn't know what that means, believe me, those stats are unheard of.  I then saw a few more posts about the 3D fiber lashes, which led me to purchase them to try them out.  I had eyelash extension for years, but the time investment going to an hour long appointment every few weeks didn't work for me anymore with two toddlers at home and working part time.  Plus after a week the lashes begin to fall out and it is costly to go every few weeks so long story short, I tried the 3D fiber lashes and fell IN LOVE.  I mean, seriously, it's the best thing ever!  That led me to have an online party, which then led to me sign up to be an independent presenter through my Sponsor and that was that.

I think some people were surprised by my decision, especially those really close to me. I am definitely not a huge makeup person.  I don't wear a lot, don't know how to apply it like make up artists do, don't have a ton of time to play around with makeup because the majority of my time is spent chasing playing with my toddlers, but there was something about the timing and my thought process of "I have nothing to lose" attitude that made me take a leap of faith and try something new.  Over these short two months, I have interacted with so many women that have such positive and uplifting attitudes you can't help but smile.  There is so much encouragement between the people on the team that you can't help but want to improve yourself.  There are so many recommendations given that you cannot help but think outside the box. There are so many people setting goals that you cannot help but strive to do better.  There are so many incentives offered that you cannot help but want to work towards them.  It has definitely been a new and positive experience for me that takes up minimal time but has many rewards.  It has been a great opportunity to learn something new and spread my wings in a way that was not familiar or comfortable at first but I believe it is helping me to learn and grow in a different way. 

Opportunities are all around us - every day. What opportunities we take advantage of or pass on can make a huge impact on our lives.  If you are interested in this opportunity for yourself let me know. Maybe this one isn't for you, but I am sure another one is out there. I encourage you to try something new and think outside the box because you never know where it could take you! :)

~Erin Leigh


Be Younique with Erin Leigh on Facebook


3D fiber lashes (amazing), mineral pigments and precision liner


Friday, November 7, 2014

Decide - Commit - Succeed

Are you in a workout rut?  I can say I definitely was.  Allll summer.  I have mentioned it before, but my frequent workouts decreased to a minimum.  The beginning of September I knew I needed to get back to where I was and make a change for myself. Then, I saw that Beachbody had a challenge pack for 21 Day Fix.  I purchased it through a college friend who I knew sold it, decided to sign up to be a coach and that was that.  It was EXACTLY what I needed to reset myself.  Now I have completed the 21 Day Fix, am 3 weeks through T25, part of an accountability group and I feel better than ever! 

Did I make that sound easy? Well, I assure you, it's not at first. That decision to change is the biggest step.  Whether you need to lose a lot of weight, a little or you just want to be healthier and/or more fit, it's all about making a decision, making a change, taking a step forward and not looking back. 

How do you take that next step you may be asking? 

The first step is to make goals.  I am a goal maker.  I even talked about it in this post from September 2013 Lifestyle - Dedication - Habit .  Although I was doing different workouts then, the overall point is the same.  Short term and long term goals. It's pretty self explanatory but I will expand: Make an attainable short term goal that you can achieve in a short period of time (within a month), and a long term end goal that you are working towards. When you achieve that first short term goal, you then make another short term goal all with the end goal in mind.  Continue this pattern until you get to that long term goal. Then reward yourself.  (Shopping spree perhaps??)

Second step: Make it a routine, part of your schedule, not an option.  Schedule your time into your day.  Early morning may not be the time for you, maybe it's the evening, if you are a mom, maybe it's naptime.  I will always encourage getting up earlier because then nothing can interfere with getting that workout in, but I know that isn't for everyone. At one point that wasn't for me either but now working out early makes my days better. The endorphin release plus my (slight addiction to) Shakeology and I feel like there is no better way to start the day.  I am a better Mom with more patience, I'm more productive because I have more energy and I feel more motivated to make a difference in the lives of others.

Step three: Have people that support you.  This is key!! You need people that know your goals and will be your cheerleader. People to help you stay focused and help to motivate you. This may not mean they mention it to you daily, but knowing that others know your goals helps you to hold yourself accountable too. 

So, what are your goals?  Take a minute and think about it now.  Where would you like to see yourself in a month? Three months? A year? What is your schedule like? Who are your supporters?  You have to start somewhere so why not today? 

I would love to be part of helping you succeed and be a supporter! Share your goals with me and let me guide you to the best program to help you reach those goals. :) 

~Erin Leigh

Workouts and Shakeology Information