Saturday, January 11, 2014

Back into the Groove

Soooo I will be honest. The last few weeks I have been totally human...eating freely during the holidays, went to Mexico and ate and drank way more calories than necessary and haven't worked out much...But it happens to the best of us!  I have been super disciplined for months and what better time to loosen the reigns a little than during holidays and vacation?! I didn't totally throw in the towel and eat horribly all day every day, but I definitely cheated significantly, and now I am feeling it. I am not saying I am fat and out of shape, but I definitely don't feel great.  It is amazing what how a workout can make you feel so good, and how different you feel when you don't have or make time for it!! So, tomorrow is the first day of a new week, and the last day of vacation so it is the start of getting back into my groove! Thankfully it appears like it will be in the 40s so I am hoping for a run tomorrow and then starting T25 on Monday!  On the nutrition side I am planning to continue to move towards a paleo diet. During this time I still haven't eaten bread, pasta, rice or crackers and still am not eating many processed foods, but I hope to become more strict with paleo and continue to experiment with more paleo recipes!  I have a great recipe I made the other night I will share soon so stay tuned! :) 

~Erin Leigh 

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