Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Turn it Up!

Tip of the day: Push hard at the end of your workout.
Extra tip: Turn up the music!!

Ok, so my FAVORITE part of my run each day is when I turn back onto my street.  My street is exactly .15 miles from when you turn onto the street to the cul de sac.  When I turn on my street, I push hard that last stretch.  It isn't a far distance, and by this time I am ready to cool down, but I feel like it makes me finish I sprint (ok, I don't actually sprint, at least not with the double jogger...I just can't figure out a better word).  I run much faster down the street to the end.

I actually read that doing this is good to build endurance.  I have always been one to do just a little more when I am about to finish a workout, and this is the routine I have gotten into these past 6 months that I have been running.  What makes it easy?? Turning up the music! I swear it works!  There is nothing better than turning that corner, with a good song on, turning it up loud and just go. 

The benefits? Burns a few extra calories, you finish strong, and a little extra sense of accomplishment for pushing yourself a little further that you thought you could!

So, try to take your workout a step further next time!  Maybe it's an extra .25 miles, a few extra push ups, a few extra squats.  When you are ready to stop, turn up the music.  When you are ready to stop again, turn it up once more and finish strong!  Don't knock it til you try it! ;)

~ Erin Leigh

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