Parents, have you ever had a day that was anything like this?
12 am, a brand new day, you are soundly sleeping...
12:30, your 14 month old daughter begins to cry. You think, I'll give her a few minutes and see how it goes. The crying drift back to sleep...and then again the crying starts. You have an inner battle that begins. If you go into the room, you get sucked in. You cannot get back out. But, you feel bad letting them cry because you know they aren't feeling well. Oh wait, the crying subsides...perfect. Drift back to sleep...and begins. This vicious cycle seems to go on forever and you look at the clock, and it's only 12:40. Wow...longest 10 minutes ever! You cave, go in, put on the sleep sheep, get her comfortable with her favorite angel stuffed animal and blanket and rub her back by leaning over the crib, which is never a comfortable position when you are rubbing her back for 20+ minutes, but you know if you take her out of the crib to rock her, it's that much more difficult to get her back you do this odd lean over the crib back rubbing thing for what feels like an eternity. You hear the breathing getting louder and think, she is asleep. You then, very slowly, without breathing, straighten up and try to move away from the crib. Then your ankle cracks, and she realizes you aren't rubbing her back anymore and screams. You calm her down, she drifts back off to sleep, you try to sneak out, then the door creaks and she screams. (At this point, I would imagine you would want to scream). So, then you decide you will rock her. When she is in a deep sleep you will ever so slowly transition her into her crib. Nope, not happening. Long story crawl back into bed at 4:41 am, 4 minutes before your alarm is set to go off. Awesome.
Fast forward to nice, your kids slept in until 8:30. What a blessing. Although you have been up since 5:30 (you got to catch a whopping 30 minutes of sleep), you got to be somewhat productive while in a groggy state...and feel like even though you are running on empty, you have a positive outlook on the day...
And then it begins. You prepare breakfast. Eggs, chicken sausage and some cut up bananas. Eggs end up on the floor, water is being banged on the table and splashing everywhere, your daughter NEEDS a napkin for her hands, then NEEDS one for her face, both of which end up on the floor. Chicken sausage is chewed then spit out. Eggs end up on the floor. You then step on a piece of banana on the floor. Ok, breakfast is over and somehow you happened to keep it together. Then it's time for milk. You give the milk and begin to clean up from breakfast, as they playfully put the milk on their heads and both repeat over and over "head, head, head." Yes, the older one is teaching the younger one body parts, very sweet, but then imitates her putting her cup on her head. Long story short, both milks, purposely also end up on the floor.
Ok, breakfast is over. Time for the 2 1/2 year old to sit on the potty (actively potty training). Child goes kicking and screaming. Sits down, pees, while continuing to scream. Then 14 month old, still confined in high chair for her safety (and your sanity), is screaming, because remember, she doesn't feel well. Runny nose, molar coming in, clingy. Ok, potty is flushed, wash hands, pants on. Great, time to get the other child and play. 2 1/2 year old insists he NEEDS to watch a show. You remind him he doesn't NEED to watch a show, he wants to, and he can watch a show in a little while after playing. Tantrum. Other child feeds off of it. Tantrum. Deep breath in...deep breath out...repeat...and again. decide to be proactive and get out some books and toys. They want to throw all the pillows on the floor and jump on the couch. Obviously it is much more fun, and it's all fun and games but the younger one is not sturdy so this is not the greatest idea. You offer other toy suggestions in order to distract from the couch jumping. You daughter heads to the cabinet asking for a "snack, snack, snack" while pulling out anything she can reach. (She did just eat) Meanwhile, the 2 1/2 year old begins the "I have to pee" dance. You bring him to the bathroom...I am sure you can imagine...kicking and screaming. The younger one also has to be part of being in the bathroom, climbing up on the stool to attempt to wash her hands, trying to look into the potty while he is peeing and wants the roll of toilet paper. The screaming subsides. You decide to give a snack because it confines them for a few moments and you can try to collect yourself so you don't explode in frustration. A yogurt. Good suggestion. You ask the 2 1/2 year old peach or blueberry. Blueberry he responds. You open it...nope, now he wants peach. You inform him he already made a decision so he cannot have the other kind because it would be a waste. Tantrum. Daughter...tantrum because you are taking too long to feed her her yogurt. Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out...Ok...get through the yogurts, he now wants a snack size bag of pretzels. You think, well, he sure has an appetite, maybe a growth spurt? Open the pretzels, he eats one. Nope, he wants peanut butter and jelly. You inform again, that is a waste. You decided on pretzels. Tantrum. Daughter insists she is "stuck" in her chair, tantrum. You think, 'I need to do something before I lose my sanity.' A show it is! So, you decide to put on Mickey Mouse Christmas on Netflix because your kids think it is hilarious and you have to all sit down on the couch and you actually think the day might be redeemed. You have some laughs together. Things are going well for that first 5 minutes, until daughter wants to get "down" but by "down" she means jump on the other end of the couch. You distract with some books. Then son still wants peanut butter and jelly. You look at the clock. It's 11:15. You think, early lunch, bath and then nap? Sounds good! You prepare peanut butter and jelly. It goes somewhat smoothly. You give the after lunch milk. Ends up on the floor. Breathe in...breathe out...repeat, repeat, repeat. Ok, I can do this. Let's go upstairs and the kids can have a bath. They enjoy baths, both are stuffy, they can play with bath toys and you can clean the bathroom counters, try to regroup. It's working. You feel like it's going to be ok. Wash the kids. Take your daughter out to put her diaper and clothes on, turn around...and there you have it...2 1/2 year old leisurely the bathtub. WHYYYY?!?! Put daughter in her crib with toys...tantrum, sit son on the potty because you need to get him out of the bath and there is no where to put him. Clean the bathtub and give him a shower. Then naptime for your daughter mirrors the events from 1am-4:30am and you cry right along with her. You pull yourself together so you can rock with your son. He falls asleep. Silence.
So, I will ask the opening question...have you ever had a day like that? Please tell me I am not alone?!?!
I will be honest, a text then went to my husband and best friend that read, "What should I do during naptime? Do I work out? Or drink vodka?" I really contemplated. But I ended up doing a 42 minute workout with Shaun T and now I'm ready for round 2 with these crazy yet adorable little monsters! Ok afternoon...bring it on!
~Erin Leigh
Fast forward to nice, your kids slept in until 8:30. What a blessing. Although you have been up since 5:30 (you got to catch a whopping 30 minutes of sleep), you got to be somewhat productive while in a groggy state...and feel like even though you are running on empty, you have a positive outlook on the day...
And then it begins. You prepare breakfast. Eggs, chicken sausage and some cut up bananas. Eggs end up on the floor, water is being banged on the table and splashing everywhere, your daughter NEEDS a napkin for her hands, then NEEDS one for her face, both of which end up on the floor. Chicken sausage is chewed then spit out. Eggs end up on the floor. You then step on a piece of banana on the floor. Ok, breakfast is over and somehow you happened to keep it together. Then it's time for milk. You give the milk and begin to clean up from breakfast, as they playfully put the milk on their heads and both repeat over and over "head, head, head." Yes, the older one is teaching the younger one body parts, very sweet, but then imitates her putting her cup on her head. Long story short, both milks, purposely also end up on the floor.
Ok, breakfast is over. Time for the 2 1/2 year old to sit on the potty (actively potty training). Child goes kicking and screaming. Sits down, pees, while continuing to scream. Then 14 month old, still confined in high chair for her safety (and your sanity), is screaming, because remember, she doesn't feel well. Runny nose, molar coming in, clingy. Ok, potty is flushed, wash hands, pants on. Great, time to get the other child and play. 2 1/2 year old insists he NEEDS to watch a show. You remind him he doesn't NEED to watch a show, he wants to, and he can watch a show in a little while after playing. Tantrum. Other child feeds off of it. Tantrum. Deep breath in...deep breath out...repeat...and again. decide to be proactive and get out some books and toys. They want to throw all the pillows on the floor and jump on the couch. Obviously it is much more fun, and it's all fun and games but the younger one is not sturdy so this is not the greatest idea. You offer other toy suggestions in order to distract from the couch jumping. You daughter heads to the cabinet asking for a "snack, snack, snack" while pulling out anything she can reach. (She did just eat) Meanwhile, the 2 1/2 year old begins the "I have to pee" dance. You bring him to the bathroom...I am sure you can imagine...kicking and screaming. The younger one also has to be part of being in the bathroom, climbing up on the stool to attempt to wash her hands, trying to look into the potty while he is peeing and wants the roll of toilet paper. The screaming subsides. You decide to give a snack because it confines them for a few moments and you can try to collect yourself so you don't explode in frustration. A yogurt. Good suggestion. You ask the 2 1/2 year old peach or blueberry. Blueberry he responds. You open it...nope, now he wants peach. You inform him he already made a decision so he cannot have the other kind because it would be a waste. Tantrum. Daughter...tantrum because you are taking too long to feed her her yogurt. Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out...Ok...get through the yogurts, he now wants a snack size bag of pretzels. You think, well, he sure has an appetite, maybe a growth spurt? Open the pretzels, he eats one. Nope, he wants peanut butter and jelly. You inform again, that is a waste. You decided on pretzels. Tantrum. Daughter insists she is "stuck" in her chair, tantrum. You think, 'I need to do something before I lose my sanity.' A show it is! So, you decide to put on Mickey Mouse Christmas on Netflix because your kids think it is hilarious and you have to all sit down on the couch and you actually think the day might be redeemed. You have some laughs together. Things are going well for that first 5 minutes, until daughter wants to get "down" but by "down" she means jump on the other end of the couch. You distract with some books. Then son still wants peanut butter and jelly. You look at the clock. It's 11:15. You think, early lunch, bath and then nap? Sounds good! You prepare peanut butter and jelly. It goes somewhat smoothly. You give the after lunch milk. Ends up on the floor. Breathe in...breathe out...repeat, repeat, repeat. Ok, I can do this. Let's go upstairs and the kids can have a bath. They enjoy baths, both are stuffy, they can play with bath toys and you can clean the bathroom counters, try to regroup. It's working. You feel like it's going to be ok. Wash the kids. Take your daughter out to put her diaper and clothes on, turn around...and there you have it...2 1/2 year old leisurely the bathtub. WHYYYY?!?! Put daughter in her crib with toys...tantrum, sit son on the potty because you need to get him out of the bath and there is no where to put him. Clean the bathtub and give him a shower. Then naptime for your daughter mirrors the events from 1am-4:30am and you cry right along with her. You pull yourself together so you can rock with your son. He falls asleep. Silence.
So, I will ask the opening question...have you ever had a day like that? Please tell me I am not alone?!?!
I will be honest, a text then went to my husband and best friend that read, "What should I do during naptime? Do I work out? Or drink vodka?" I really contemplated. But I ended up doing a 42 minute workout with Shaun T and now I'm ready for round 2 with these crazy yet adorable little monsters! Ok afternoon...bring it on!
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And no, this was not taken this morning. |
~Erin Leigh
Ha, Erin I loved this! And working out after that kind of morning?! You are one stellar mama. You may even help me get motivated ;)
ReplyDeleteGlad I found you over at Krystal's. It's nice to know we're not alone! ~Jenna // A Mama Collective
Thanks Jenna! Sometimes a workout after that type of day gets me through! Haha! Nope you are not alone! :)
DeleteYeah I would NOT be working out during that naptime! And yes I've had days like that! Like, every other day????? ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha seriously! :) It is amazing how insane it can really be sometimes!!
DeleteThose days are maddening!! But then the next day (or even so soon as after a nap) they are cute and sweet again and ah, all is forgotten... I have a 2.3 year old and 1 on the way so I imagine it's going to get even crazier soon enough. Thanks for sharing your story, makes me feel not quite so alone in this crazy battle of motherhood!
ReplyDeleteIt is definitely a crazy battle but well worth it! The sweetness makes you forget about the madness! Good luck with your bun in the oven! :)
DeleteI coslept with my son. The sleep is too precious to loose too much. But still, there were nights when he wouldn't sleep because he was teething or sick. And I had to spend the whole night awake. And then next day feeding him and taking care of him. It's really hard.
ReplyDeleteYes! Teething is the worst around here! It definitely gets easier...once they get all their teeth! ;)